Ok, now that one month of the new year is history, time to set some goals for the rest of the year. I don't like resolutions, kind of dumb to set those since the vast majority of us just blow them off after a couple weeks. Most of the goals I have are running related (duh!), but I have a few others that aren't. So, here goes.
1. Be a better husband, more patient, kind, etc.
2. Be a better parent. Oh wait, the kids are grown and gone. Ok, then I'll....
3. Be a better grandparent. My plan is that every time I see my grandson he will be absolutely spoiled rotten. What ever he wants when he's at our house he can have unless it'll hurt him.
4. Probably should be a better Engineer at work. We'll give that a shot too.
5. Get more stuff done around the house. Sometimes hard to do when the funds are limited.
6. Run 2500+ miles this year. Shouldn't be too hard, I've run close to that the past several years. I'd love to stretch that to 3000. 250 miles a month, hmmm.
7. If I get into Wasatch, go under 30 hours. I know I can do it.
8. PR at the marathon distance. I'm 51 now, lets see if I have another PR in me.
9. Stay injury free. Tough to do sometimes. I've been fortunate over the past several years with only very minor stuff that didn't really slow me down or stop me.
10. Finish painting the inside of my shop. I have that last little bit of ceiling, so hard to get up the ambition.
11. Put in a back yard, including the fence, lawn, sprinklers, maybe a few flowers and shrubberies, etc. You know the usual suburban stuff. Gotta look good for the neighborhood.
12. Pay off some bills. That one will be tough with a kid still in college.
13. Just generally enjoy life. Just be happy. Enjoy my family, friends, work, etc. Now that one's not hard to do at all.
So what are your goals for this year? Running or other stuff. Let me know. I'm curious.
Oh, one other goal is to eat more healthy. Good luck with that one!
Forgot one other one. Run faster this year. Last year kind of sucked in the speed department.